Friday, October 2, 2009

Rubik's Cube

Recently we had ANK'09 in our college. It was a technical fest organised by Maths 'N' Tech Club of which I am a member. Apart from many events we had flown in John Louis from south india, John Louis is sorts of authority in memory events in India, he has won many memory championships the world over and has held several records related to speed calculations and stuff. One of his most amazing skills is speed cubing which is solving a Rubik's cube as fast as it is humanly possible. It is a game where you solve the Rubik's Cube (that multi-coloured brick sort of thing you used as a paper weight till your 2 year old nephew dismantled it) using pre decided algorithms as fast as your fingers and hands would allow. The current world record stands at 7.08 seconds( approximately the time it would take a normal person to pick it up and decide which face looks the best).

So a few days ago I went and bought a Rubik's Cube which made my mom poorer by Rs.249(+1, I never gave her the change back) or 5.17 lts. of petrol( you will get the hang of it). It was made by funskool and thus followed the international convention the opposite faces colour combinations were the following - earth colours green and blue, fire colours orange and red, calm colours yellow and white. Then I went to youtube and saw some videos and approximately an hour later I solved it for the first time. Next two days were spent practising the thing and my best time so far has been 3:36, that is, in minutes. So I can go about telling that I can solve the Rubik's cube in minutes. Once you look at the algorithms to solve the cube you will understand that it is not really more difficult than brushing your teeth or driving in fact, with time it will become natural like sleeping, eating and routine like lots of other things.

So what's the use? It is better than many other things you will do in your time(which is usually free for me), at any rate it is better then attempting those YASFbQs( Yet Another Stupid Facebook Quiz, which are usually also broken) and is usually better than Omegle and definitely better than what you are doing right now.

So if you are finding it difficult to while your "time" away and want to impress people(I don't have any idea as to who that is worth impressing would be impressed) by a fast Rubik's cube solve, go to a shop and buy a Rubik's Cube and go to Youtube and search for Dan Brown's cube solving videos.

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