Friday, October 2, 2009


So, I have started a blog (pointless statement). Since this is the first post you might as well be reading it, without boring you into the details of why I have done so I will tell you what you can expect after this. Here goes...

umm, since I am not too sure about that myself , let me tell you what you may not expect:

1) You may not expect Linux hacks and Windows vs Linux wars, partly because I don't use Linux(sad though, it rocks!!) and partly because I believe the penguin is a pointless animal with really small feet and funny looking hands.

2) You may not expect poetry because I am not poetic and I don't dream much(I am mostly busy sleeping).

3) You may not expect abstract writing because I can't find "point" in it.

4) You may not expect the day to day happenings of my life because it is majorly boring.

5) You may not expect long posts(No particular reason for this).

Apart from all the above you can expect a lot of information, stuff which you will find useful(only after reading them though!). Links to various resources on the web(stuff which I come across while browsing the web) etc. etc. ...

I will start by moving my Facebook notes to here... so the next few posts will be all familiar.

Till I come up with something new(don't think you will be back!).


  1. Best first post I've read so far, seriously!
    Not a compliment you can get often. :)
