Sunday, January 3, 2010

20 Things "About Me" You didn't want to know!

Here is the list:

1. I am 20 years and 9 months old (sorry, I cant get more accurate as I don't have the new calendar yet).

2. I was 5ft 9 inches when I last checked a couple of years ago, so I assume I am 5' 10" and some more now. (Actual measuring can't beat wishful thinking, can it?)

3. I am quite fair still some of my friends say that I am not good looking, but then there are always some who say that I am outright ugly.

4. I am not really intelligent usually as demonstrated by the fact that whenever I ride my bike I take the longest route possible to wherever I go.

5. Cogito ergo sum just the anti-christ of "tall, dark and handsome".

6. I was born in Kolkata (Yes! That is Kolkata for me and will always be, though I am kind of disappointed they changed the official name) of Bengali parents and was brought up here in the southern fringes of the city. So am I what one might call a Bengali?

a. I can't recite poems primarily because I don't know any and could never understand them when I was in school and secondarily because I occasionally get the words muddled up.

b. I can't eat "Ilish maach" because I am too afraid of it, once as a kid I went nosing around a tub full of them and one of them jumped up and bit my nose.

c. I don't use coconut oil on my hair because of two reasons, once I pricked my thumb trying to pry open the bottle and once it froze during the winter.

d. I don't use a mosquito net at night, even though it is very useful, because I can never get it orientated properly so that the right string is at the right end of the room.
e. I can keep on eating but unlike my mother (who eats little) I have no sense of the order in which one should work his way through the meal.

f. I almost never wear a "Punjabi and Pajama" because I am terrified as to what might happen if the knot came loose. But this shouldn't matter right after all it is punjabi not bengali, then again being a bengali is all about embracing everything.

7. I wear jeans not to look hip but because those strong double stitchings look reassuring.

8. I forget to shave because the mirror in my hostel room is placed such that I never pass in front of it, and the mirror at home is kept opposite to the fridge.

9. I often keep wondering why everything is looks hazy till I realise that my glasses are dirty. I often have these panic attacks about not being ti find my glasses when I am actually wearing them.

10. In hostel I never ever take off my watch in fear of losing it, this is so severe that the part of my hand under that watch started rotting due to accumulation of water and sweat.

11. I forget to change socks because I usually have a blocked nose and don't get the smell of it till I am subjected to public humiliation.

12. I always try to race others from the traffic lights and give a huge smile when I have beaten them only to later realise that they weren't stupid enough for the game.

13. I am not afraid of Friday the 13th.

14. I have never had a girlfriend so I have always been lonely of February 14th, this state is not because of no. 5 above but because I haven't ever tried. (Yeah! That feels mighty reassuring. What a loser!)

15. I am a very good liar in fact so good that my friends don't know about it.

16. I watch movies alone because I often have to stop and go back when I miss a word or two.

17. I am terrified of using cliches.

18. I wear my shirts like a T Shirt not because it saves a lot of time but because I am so clumsy that I almost always tear the buttons away.

19. My things are not lying on the floor, that is where I keep them.

20. I don't have a fancy mobile phone because I only want my phone to have the ability of making a call.

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