No, this is not about how the human race came along. Though I would really like to know, if Adam and Eve were the first humans and if Kane killed Abel(thus killing 1/4 th of world's population), then how come we came along by the regular laws of marriage?
If you "Stumble Upon" the old family photo album, a happening which is highly unlikely since in all probability it hasn't been digitised. You will see that the people there are wearing pretty much the same dresses no matter what generation they belong to. A couple of generations up the tree they wore the same, read the same, listened to the same, saw the same, etc. etc. . So how come from there we got to here where you can't imagine listening to dad's songs or wearing mom's dresses? A few days ago I happened to watch an episode of "James May's 20th century" a series which you most probably haven't heard of. There James May, a popular television personality( some X Jockey, fill in X as you want) of GB tries to find out how the teenager and young people in general came along.
Not so many years ago what differentiated you from your mom and dad was primarily your age, apart from that there wasn't much else. Here are a few of the things that according to James May brought us along:
1. Nylon - It is a synthetic something that bearded people at Du Pont made to make your teeth whiter. Fortunately some fellow used it to make stockings and nylon took off . If you were a girl in the early forties you no longer had to wear the same type of stockings as your mom did. How cool was that?, really cool( or else we wouldn't be talking about it)!! Soon the started making clothes out of nylon and other synthetic stuff, you did not look like your dad any longer. You never needed to iron them and you could store them anywhere.
2. Nothing differentiates us from our parents more than music, so how did we get our own music? - In the early days listening to music was all about sitting around the radio(which were bigger than today's washing machines) with the family and listen to the local stations. Then came along rock and roll, but it needed to be carried you couldn't listen to rock and roll and your dads music at the same time. Along came William Schokley with his three legged insect, the transistor, it made radios smaller and you could carry around your music and listen to whatever was right.
Another great invention was PVC which made records smaller and finally led to the CD, which led to the Walkman.
One great milestone was the electric guitar, coupled with a kick-ass amplifier it was all that was required to make music. Music which shocked the world and shook it to the drums( or whatever)
, music which our parents can never appreciate no matter what.
3. Horsepower - This we Indians cannot relate to very much. For maximum of the early part of the century horsepower really meant horse power but that all changed when they started making cars, but that is not really important to us. What is important to us are Japanese two-strokes, they liberated the world they did, the Honda 50 Super Cub was what the world desperately needed, so did young people. Where it was sold it could be bought for little money and was enormous fun, sadly though it never saw the light of India( or rather roads). For the Indian youth it was much later that the Yamaha RX100 and the RD350(Rajdoot) came along, things were going fine till some idiots got licensed and our roads became miserable and now parent would not buy their children motorcycles.
This is all i remember for now... till next time.